You can make money running Facebook ads for local businesses as a side hustle, without sacrificing your day job or by utilizing your free time. You can start this side hustle without any large investments or prior experience.
With Facebook ads, local businesses can advertise to its customers, fans, and neighbors in unique ways. Facebook ads helps the business to generate repeat customers. Many small businesses want to take advantage of the Facebook ads, but they lack expertise or time to spare to run the ads.
What is Facebook Ad Management?
Before trying to make money by running Facebook ads, let’s understand what is Facebook Ad management. It means, managing Facebook ad campaigns for clients. A Facebook ad manager is required to create and execute a Facebook ad strategy that will attract new customers, leads, and traffic for the business.
The ad manager will have to listens to a client’s goals and objective, then they will have to create graphics, ad copy targeting the prospective audiences. They will also have to test the campaigns to try to meet the objectives of the business at the lowest cost per conversion possible.
How you can earn by running Facebook Ads?
Now a days you can see that there are many small businesses competing for audiences’ attention. This small business will require someone to manage their ads. So even, without specialized expertise, there are plenty of businesses with the budget to pay you $1,000 to $2,000 per month to manage Facebook ads for them. You just have to know which niches to target and how to find them.
Things to consider before starting your Side Hustle of managing Facebook ads!
Before starting to run Facebook ads, there are several components you’ll need to learn and consider first. So that you can get the right clients at the right prices.
Learn the basics – You will need to be familiar with the Facebook Ads Manager and the terms used in it. You can always take an inexpensive course if you feel overwhelming or confusing to understand on your own.
Learn how to design an effective ad.- You will have to learn how to design an effective ad get the highest return on your work and your client’s ad budget.
Find local businesses – You will have to find local businesses that are a good fit for offering your services. You can find local business by networking with the local business and people that you know.
Fixing rates – In the beginning you will have to keep your rates in such a manner that you are earning and it is competitive for the local business. Once you have established your presence and have strong client base you can gradually increase the rates.
If running Facebook Ads for small business is done right, this side hustle has the potential to match the income earn by your day job and it can substitute your day job. But do not just leave your day job right now, like any other business in the beginning earning will be slow but if you have patience and work on improving your skill then you can easily increase your earning.
This side hustle will give you freedom to fix your own schedule and work as per your convenience. You can make money without leave your day job and utilizing free time you have. For people who do not want to leave their house, it is one of the best work-from-home working opportunity available.